Improving Parole

Improving Parole

Improving Parole\” Please respond to the following: Examine two (2) characteristics attributed to the parole population. Determine whether the characteristics that you have reviewed are justifiable or based on stereotypes. Provide a rationale for your response. Choose two (2) challenges in parole, and provide one (1) recommendation for mitigating each. Support your recommendations with two (2) examples of instances where the suggested recommendations were successful Improving Parole.


Characteristics attributed to the parole population

Gender and ethnicity are two characteristics attributed to the parole population.  Freudenberg et al (2007) argue that ethnic minority groups entailing Hispanic Latino have greater levels of substance abuse, increased recidivism rate and experience hard living circumstances.  Women, in comparison to men, have a high likelihood of being homeless, use illegal substances, possess health problems and have parental responsibilities.

These characteristics are justified because compared to men; female offenders have a less possibility of having been imprisoned for committing violent crimes and highly likely to have been imprisoned for offenses involving property or drugs. Normally, their property crimes are inspired by poverty and drugs and alcohol abuse.  Ethnic minority populations are poorly uneducated and unskilled, poorly employed and are thus likely to engage in illegal activities (Freudenberg et al, 2017)Improving Parole.

Challenges in parole and recommendations for mitigating them

The first challenge in parole is the dual role of the parole officers who are tasked with the responsibility of functioning as surveillance agents to observe parolees from breaking the parole order and monitoring them from recidivism and rehabilitation of prisoners so as to aid their reintegration into the society (Hamin, & Hassan, 2012).  This challenge can be resolved by increasing surveillance of parolees with novel technologies like electronic tagging and focusing the supervision tactic of parole officers on appropriate treatment programs of prisoners. In Malaysia, the parole scheme has adopted a joint approach of both surveillance and rehabilitation within its scheme of parole supervision. Prisoners’ rehabilitation setting is delivered custodial setting within prison and   also in the society once prisoners are granted parole (Hamin & Hassan, 2012)Improving Parole.

The second challenge in parole is that when offenders are released from prison, they get into an environment that is considerably dissimilar from prison environ and they usually struggle to fit in According to Zondi (2012), this presents the reintegration officer with a serious challenge of successfully reintegrating the offender into the society.  This challenge can be overcome by engaging the communities and family in supporting the adjustment of prisoners, which subsequently minimizes possibilities of recidivism. The criminal justice system in South Africa views the rehabilitation and reentry of criminals as a shared obligation of the society. Institutions like police, communities, families, municipalities and voluntary organizations are viewed as crucial in supporting and enhancing successful reintegration of criminals (Zondi, 2012)Improving Parole.


Freudenberg, N., Moseley, J. & Labriola, M et al (2007). Comparisons of Health and Social Characteristics of People Leaving New York City Jails by Age, Gender and Race/Ethnicity: Implications for Public Health Interventions. Public Health Reports, 122(6): 733-743.

Hamin, Z., & Hassan, R. (2012). The Roles and Challenges of Parole Officers in reintegrating Prisoners into the Community under the Parole System.  Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 36: 324-332.

Zondi, C. (2012).  Community Participation in Correction Operation and Offender Re-integration. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 3(3): 763-771Improving Parole.